2025 Capital Blue Cross Medicare Certification Exam

Capital Blue Cross MAPD plans will use two different formularies in 2025.

Which of the following statements is not correct regarding the 2025 routine hearing benefit?

The two new Capital Complete and Wellspan Complete PPO plans are offered in all 21 counties of the Capital Blue Cross service area.

Which statement is correct regarding the pharmacy benefit for 2025?

If a member goes over their monthly allotment of credits with the new FitOn fitness benefit, they cannot purchase additional credits but must wait until the credits reset the next month.

Lab services on all plans will be a $0 copay.

Which of the following statements is correct regarding the Scope of Appointment (SOA) form?

Which statement is correct regarding marketing of Capital Blue Cross Medicare Advantage plans?

The routine dental benefit will have a combined annual allowance for preventive and comprehensive dental services in 2025.

Capital requires agents to submit enrollment applications to Capital Blue Cross or their Preferred Producer within what time limit?

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