The FMO You've Always Imagined!

Built by Agents for Agents

What are you waiting for? No Gotchas! Full Commissions! Technology Focused 150+ Carriers Full Commissions! Open Release Policy Profit-Sharing

The FMO model has Evolved!

The Current FMO Model

Let’s face it, the current FMO model is broken and outdated. Most agents haphazardly entrust their carrier contracts to FMOs that make grand promises but ultimately deliver minimal benefits. This model creates huge profits for the FMO but provides little value to agents.

The Agent Equity Group Model

Agent Equity Group has revolutionized the existing FMO model by prioritizing agents’ success as our top priority. Our approach is centered around collaboration, where we leverage our collective production power to negotiate the most advantageous carrier contracts. We then distribute a portion of the generated profits among our agents, while the remainder is reinvested in our organization to enhance our marketing, technology, and support capabilities.

Guidance through your Journey

Getting Started
Succession Planning

We've got you covered!

Medicare ACA Ancillary Life Disability Annuity Long Term Care

Partnership Programs

Are you Property and Casualty licensed or considering getting licensed?

Valor Insurance is a nationwide P&C agency specializing in working with independent agents.

Valor Insurance offers training, access to the top carriers, and some of the highest commission payouts in the industry.
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Are you securities licensed or considering getting licensed?

Advisor 123 is a flat-fee portfolio management platform designed for independent financial advisors.

Advisor 123 can get you on the fast track to becoming your own registered investment advisory firm.
Learn More
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